Tuesday 29 September 2009

Peaceful Boring Bonus

There is nothing quite like going to big second hand shops and trying on ugly clothes.
That's what Loz, Mia, Liz and I did today. Indeed.
It was a day filled with baggy fluoro 70's thing, floor length denim things and fairy-floss night gown things.
Now that's attractive.
The original reason for going to "Savers" (the second hand shop in question), was for costumes for a party Mia, Loz and Liz are going to (I don't know the person throwing it).
No one bought a costume though, we all just tried on ugly things. It was much fun.
We also shared half a cheescake from the Cheesecake Shop. Yummy scrumboes in epic proportion.
We ate it on the grass next to the bike path in the middle of St. Georges Road. It was a nice sunny day for once.
When we were finished eating we made a laughing circle. My suggestion, of course!
In case you don't know what a laughing circle is (which you probably don't), let me explain:
Everyone lies down with their heads on each other's stomachs until it links into a circle.
Then you start laughing.
Due to the movement of each others stomachs, the laughter is really infectious. FUN!

These holidays have been very restful, in the best way.
I've been chilling out at home for the most part.
On Friday, my friend (who is back from a holiday in ITALY(!!!)) and I are going to the museum.
We're too cool for you.
It's basically because the museum is free for under 18s. So why not, right?
Bright flashy lights and colourful displays galore!
Cat xx

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