Monday 7 September 2009

Provider Backbone Bridges.

I know that this is an amazingly boring subject, but isn't homework so fascinating.
I don't necissarily mean that in a good way.
Most kids hate it, detest it, and put it off as much as they can.
I am a number one procrastinator but putting off homework doesn't actually make me feel that good. I always know it's sitting there in the background, waiting to pounce.
Doing homework generally actually makes me feel satisfied (when I'm finished at least) although I never tend to do it much. You'd think the satisfaction would make it more appealing, but it doesn't.
Homework is just annoying.
Isn't that why we go to school? So we don't have to do work at home...
It doesn't make sense.
Haha, sorry, I'm just a tad psycho and of course, putting off doing homework.
I am sooo behind.
I need to do a whole chapter of maths, a story for English, an essay for geoggers, a project for jewelry. Wow, I really do suck eggs.
Now that I've bored you to sleep, I shall leave.
Cat or Bee, please delete this?


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