Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Plump Baby Boys

Today, I had to go to the doctors.
I had to go because I'm going to Vanuautu, and I had to see what injections and tablets the doctor would recommend.
The doctor didn't have one of the injections I needed so he said he'd order it, there were a few he wasn't certain if I needed, but I got one.
I hadn't had an injection since I was about five, so I was a bit worried.
It was okay though, it hurt a little bit, and it bled so he got tissues and put pressure on it and cleaned it with the tissue.

Sorry for that boring story.

Not the best day for me.

Oh well.


I miss Bee and Cat.



  1. I hate needles so much! But you're going to Vanuautu, so it's worth it =]
